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This list includes wild­land and pas­ture plants, weeds, and native peren­ni­als that were plant­ed and have per­sist­ed. It does not include non-​native peren­ni­als and gar­den plants. This is some­what of an arbi­trary divi­sion, but it works for now.

The data sources I used indi­cate which species are native to the region and which are intro­duced, but I’m still try­ing to fig­ure out a way to notate that oth­er than through typography.

These links to the lists of species are also avail­able through the main navigation.

Moss­es and green algae gen­er­al­ly require microscopy for iden­ti­fi­ca­tion, but I’m hop­ing to add some in the future.